Home Australia The Character of Australian Pinot Noir

The Character of Australian Pinot Noir


This summer Mark Davidson interviewed me briefly to ask what I like about Australian wine, in particular Pinot Noir. The result is a 2 minute 2 second audio snapshot of what I’ve seen from the producers and wines through some Australian wine travel and persistent follow up tastings and meetings with vintners since.

In it I speak to the importance of tasting global wine as well as having the freedom to go deep at home, the character of Australian pinot, and what gives wine energy.

Here’s the recording:


To read more, check out Wine Australia’s write-up on the tasting done on Australian pinot noir at IPNC here:


Or, read my write up on the event here:




  1. I’ve never been to Australia but I’ve visited New Zealand twice in the past 11 years. (My dad is retired and lives in N.Z. now.) I really enjoy New Zealand Pinot Noir and would be interested in hearing your thoughts on comparing Australian PN to New Zealand PN. Similarities, differences?

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