Home Miscellany Throwback Thursday: Shatner + Dominic Talk Pot on Brown Bag Wine Tasting

Throwback Thursday: Shatner + Dominic Talk Pot on Brown Bag Wine Tasting


Brown Bag Wine Tasting

Brown Bag Wine Tasting

I’ve already mentioned here how much I enjoy William Shatner’s new series, Brown Bag Wine Tasting on Ora.TV. It’s interesting for its thoughtfulness. I’m as curious about what Shatner picks up on in the person he’s speaking with, as I am in what he or she shares, as well as the irreverent stuff they end up saying about wine.

The following episode though is my favorite so far. It’s one of the earlier editions, thus the claim for Throwback Thursday. Here Shatner interviews a marijuana dealer named Dominic learning about Dominic’s business model, and how he came into that line of work. Finally, Shatner introduces Dominic to his first taste of wine — the arc of discovery Dominic takes there is both hilarious and sort of fascinating for its honesty.

More than all that though, the rapport between the two men charms me. It’s something not often seen between a celebrity and a regular Joe — Dominic calls Shatner on things he says a couple times and asks him questions like Dominic’s leading the interview too, he’s up front about where he’s coming from, and Shatner clearly enjoys it. The subject matter of course is provocative, but my interest in the interview is more about the dynamic, the ease between the two men. In the midst of it little insights of human character (and, yes, eventually wine too) pop up all along the way.

The opening when they’re first discussing each of their views on herbalization is hilarious. Check it out.





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